Friday, December 24, 2010

What? No Shepherds!

That's right. After the big shepherds. No kids' pageant at church tonight. Ally thinks I sold her a bill of goods. There was a kids choir. They tried really hard, but... And as those things go, the kid with the worst voice had the loudest voice.

This picture is the altar after they lit the lights on the trees.

One other thing that has always bugged me about mass at Christmas and Easter. The church is packed. It's always packed. Yet people still show up 5 minutes before mass is to start and act shocked that there are no seats left. So they wander up and down the aisles...then try to jam themselves into a row that's already full of people who arrived early enough to get a seat. Hey, late comers -- stand in the back.

Came back to the condo where we dined on what we like to call "Mexican Teriyaki Fusion" cooking -- leftover teriyaki chicken re-cooked fajita style with onions and green pepper, tortillas, rice, beans. That does mark the last of the Great Chicken Barbecue from earlier this week.

Merry Christmas to all...and to all, a good night!

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