Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"V is for Vabulous!"

(more on the title in a bit) Good Maui sun today for a change. Stayed extra long at the pool as our time in dwindling. That's the worst part of coming to Maui -- having to leave.

Shopping time this afternoon. Ally and I went to the Kihei Kalama Village, where they have lots of booths selling all kinds of Hawaiiana. There was a great booth selling soaps, lotions and candles in tropical scents and made on Maui. So much cool hard to choose. Another shop was selling all kinds of Maui-made butters, jams and food stuffs. hard to choose.

We have been laughing about another new island product - Spam flavored macadamia nuts. There are other flavors as well -- wasabi, green chili, etc -- but who thought the world needed Spam flavored anything (other than Spam).

We saw a couple of old guys wearing UW t-shirts with Oregon hats. A bunch of young guys passed them, and yelled "Go Dawgs!" and whooped. One of the old guys said "How about Oregon?" and the guys replied "Eh -- not so much."

We excitedly awaited the start of tonight's classic Hawaii Five-O episode - part three of the "V is Vashon" trilogy. It was all there -- the wooden acting, the stilted dialogue -- and oh so much more tonight. McGarrett was framed for murder, and was suspended from his job. This meant we got to see him in clothing other than his works clothes...and oh, what a treat! First was the white suit and the white Panama hat -- a similar look to what he was wearing back in 1968 when we happened to see the actual Jack Lord striding into the Holiday Mart in Waikiki.

If the white suit and hat wasn't enough, there was the pink ascot. Yes, a pink ascot. Jorge said he looked like a gay caballero. I don't recall seeing the ascot at Holiday Mart. So while McGarrett was taking a bit of a "gay-cation" his crack Five-O team kept on investigating.

They brought their findings to Casa McGarrett, and there was Stevie holding court on a lounge chair wearing nothing but a yellow robe. A short yellow robe. And he was showing lots and lots of leg. Ally and I nearly tripped over each other trying get photos of the screen shot. V is for Vabulous! We're gonna miss classic Five-O when we get home.

1 comment:

  1. More ignorant labeling of the acting on Hawaii Five-O as "wooden." If you can't discern that this was a show with serious storylines and that is not the same wooden acting, then you're not watching the show at all. Wooden acting means no inflection in the voice or facial expressions at all. The acting on Hawaii Five-O was anything but that.
