Really nice, sunny day today...only a couple of puffy clouds in the sky for the sun to duck behind.
We actually got moving earlier than usual today. I dropped Jorge and Ally off at Powerhouse Gym in Kihei, then braved the crowds (and I mean crowds) at the nearby Safeway.
As you can see, store shelves were already getting a bit thin. This usually happens between Christmas and New Year's, when the regular food shipments take a "hang loose" approach to arriving. I grabbed the next-to-last jug of POG, and there wasn't a panettone in sight. Fortunately we still have one left, plus one that's squirreled away in the locked cabinet for Gramme.
I stocked up on things we'd been needing for the next couple of days because of weird holiday hours and such. We're going to try the second Azeka recipe, this time on pork. The second recipe uses dark brown sugar instead of white sugar. The recipe says the meat needs to marinate for four days. I think we'll give it about 24 hours.
We made it to the pool by 11am...not bad for us. More than half of the lounges were still available, which we like...but it's not typical for this time of year. Jorge and Ally decided their first stop was the hot tub. Their theory is to sit in the hot water, then they will be cold when they get out, and the less-warm pool water will feel great by comparison. Yeah.
e is a trio of photos showing their hot tub action. In the first, they are employing the same trepidation and freaked-out looks that they have when they enter the swimming pool. Not sure what that's all about.
In the second, Ally realizes that I'm taking she gives me that two-finger acknowledgment that really says "I love you, mom!" Or so she says.
Finally, they are all settled in for the duration. After the wussie
s got warmed up, it was time for all of us to hit the pool. There were several kids in the pool already, but we headed to our Old spot. While we were standing there, this 8-9 year oldish girl started swimming underwater and she swam right through the middle of us. Ally thought this was horrendously rude. She did this a couple more times, with Ally's indignation rising. Jorge said it was fine for the girl the swim through us, and added that as a young Peruvian he had swum through strangers' legs many times. "As long as she doesn't kick me in the nuts, it's fine," he said. Then thinking about what he'd just said, he added "maybe it's not so fine. Let's close up the circle."
We spe
nt about 45 minutes doing nothing in the pool. (click on the photo of the pool to enlarge it, and you'll see our Old spot) I remarked how my mom and aunt had done the same standing around the in pool when I was a kid...but they usually stood by the edge of the pool instead of in the middle, as we were doing. Ally wondered why, and I said it was so they didn't get their hair wet by us kids being idiots and splashing. Did have to laugh when no sooner had we left the pool, two old ladies took over our Old spot.
bathing was the usual...iPods, headphones, reading material. Ally's tan is coming along quite nicely, which is what she's all about when in Maui. She does help her darkness along by wearing white t-shirts.
In case anyone is, we have not yet seen a whale. Jorge did walk briefly onto the deck, look right and left, and declared "no whales."
It's now the afternoon calm. Jorge is back to his beloved Kindle. Ally is on the sofa watching something on her computer. I'm blogging. Ally has promised to go to Xmas Eve mass with me tonight. We're going to the kids mass at 6pm. It's usually amusing, what with the kid's acting out the Christmas pageant in their little shepherd costumes and all. Then it's back to the condo for yet another variation of the leftover chicken -- this time fajitas.
Merry early Christmas, everyone!